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I am Renee Rood and my studio is located in South Central Michigan. Surrounded by lush trees, Sandhill cranes and hummingbirds, I put together custom made wood and resin panels. As I sand the unique grains of the wood for each one of these magical river panels, pour the epoxy that showcases the peaceful movement of water, I get more excited to see what they reveal. Each time it is new and exciting - never the same way twice.


I grew up on the shores of Lake Erie and the crash of its waves rise up in my spirit still today. There is nothing better to bring joy and peace into your life than these waves. Each resin art piece I create adds a touch of that inspired beauty that stirs the soul. My epoxy art pieces glow with rich pearl tones and calming hues splashing like waves upon a canvas. Watch them move and change color as they hang in your home.


The versatility of resin expresses the splendor of creation and I would love to share that with you.


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About The River Artist


I started The River Artist with this simple goal in mind. To share the joy and peace of moving water and the story it tells. The visual scene of crashing waves carry with it the imagination of the roaring sound, the fresh smell, cool splash on your skin and the excitement of the rushing water all at once. Each of our epoxy resin pieces stir these same experiences within all who view them.


It all began on the shores of Lake Erie in Northeast Ohio. I was blessed to be an only child adopted into a big Italian family who all talked at once. We lived just a few blocks from the beaches of Lake Erie so I fell in love with the crashing waves and the roaring winds.


I enjoyed taking walks on the beach and the rocky break wall. Collecting driftwood, beach glass, shells and unique pebbles. My dad was a carpenter and bricklayer and he let me help him build parts of our family home. I loved the smell of cut wood and the rich appearance of the stained wood. I marveled at how sanding brought out the wood grain and the perfection of each hand-cut piece for our door frames and cupboards.


When I grew up and moved away from the lake and its thundering waves, I missed these sounds of my childhood lulling me to sleep each night. I wanted to surround myself with those beautiful things that brought peace into my life and stirred my soul. I wanted to remember those special times I spent helping my dad create the wooden pieces that filled our family home. So, I started creating them myself, duplicating them, combining them to create a unique style that filled me with joy until I could again spend time with my family and walk on that beach.


When I started creating river panels, I really got excited. River panels replicate that rush of water through valleys and along coastlines. They combine all the things I love into one medium – with plenty of room for variety (wood grain, bark, water movement, driftwood, sand and shoreline). The River Artist was born, by the grace of God, to share with you all the amazing seen and unseen details found in nature. The movement of the water creates new scenes every moment and it is never the same way twice. I capture that single moment with wood and resin. Each piece is unique like the water that inspired it.


"Whoever believes in me, as Scriptures have said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." - John 7:38

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