The Thrive at 5 Series - #5
From time to time, it is a good idea to boost your style and give it a refresh. It makes you feel excited and your joy will rub off in your work and others will see it too. What often makes art stand out is the artist's willingness to let their personal experiences shine through in their piece. Here are a couple of tips that have served me well:
Trick #1. Whatever paper or canvas you use, create a rough edge to it -your way. I have even burned the edges with a small torch for an added effect. Let the paint run over the edge and sell your art frameless. Explore different types of papers to achieve various textures with your art or maybe even a black canvas. Try painting on sheets of glass.
Trick #2. Add a bit of glitter or mixing in an opposite medium than what you normally create in to give it a flare. I mixed acrylic paint and colored resin for a different flow effect. I also made acrylic gelli prints and created an abstract piece coated in clear resin. Broken glass pieces add a bit of a 3D effect that can be quite pleasing.
Trick #3. Try gold leaf in different areas of your art. This is a classy move that, when done well, will take your art to the next level. Take the time to master the adhesion and you will love the effect.
Trick #4. Create collections of your art that most people relate to – like sunset collections, cloud collections, or a pet series. You can add a tiny sleeping pup in the arms of a passerby in your landscape. A friend of mine does pet portraits with bold florescent colors. Give universal appeal to your unique creation. Add a tiny red flower in the side of a mountain. You never know what triggers a memory for your customer and results in a new home for your special creation. Think outside the box.
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance" – Aristotle (philosopher, polymath)
Trick #5. Add a simple household item or natural item to a corner of your art piece. I use dried flowers, feathers, sand, shells and rocks. What can your mind conceive to create with a strainer, a tall glass edge or llama wool? Try different textures like honeycomb or even thicken up your paint so you need a pallet knife to spread it along. I have even added drywall patch to one of my pieces.
Create Art with Confidence
Just as you develop your Self and become more like “you” as you grow, your artistic style is doing the same. With every experience you have, your Self changes and grows, and with every piece of art you make, your style changes and grows. You can be someone who effectively communicates their emotions, ideas, and experiences through whatever medium you choose. You are an artist. After all, you were created in God's image and He is the greatest creator of all.
I hope this information blessed you today and was useful on your journey of creativity.
Now let's see what you can create. Check out my Facebook/Instagram page - "Renee Rood Art" for more inspiration.